
Journey Preparation


Journey Preparation

Everything happened so quickly and it's only ten days remaining before my departure. Lots of thoughts running through your mind in such a short time, but we'll get used to it. Hi everyone, I am one of your travellers, let me give you some advices from my little student experience on how you can prepare for your journey at Lodz.

The golden rule that I give you is this: "Foresight will save you a lot of problems". This advice can be seen as universal in all things, because without prior preparation you will later come across confusing situations. Here are some guidelines that I think will be useful to you:

From an administrative point of view, depending on your status, it will be necessary to know which documents will be requested from you depending on your stay. On the website You will be able to have all the procedures that you will or will not have to undertake before your arrival. In addition, you can inquire about the amount to be expected for your stay. In our case, it will take at least 600 Pln* to 767 Pln* to be able to have a stable lifestyle. (Information that we will have to confirm ourselves).

For your accommodation, our host establishment already offers us places in their dormitories. But if you prefer to be a little more comfortable in your privacy, other sites offer housing solutions such as Or where you can find accommodation at affordable prices.

In terms of clothing, of course I am not a stylist, but in my case my choice was made according to the temperature in Lodz at this time of year. Currently the climate in Łódź varies between -2°c and 7°c so in your luggage I would ask you to have * pullovers, warming sweets. Accommodation for international students and expats Rent a flat or room in Poland in an easy and secure way. Browse hundreds of verified offers, contact the owner and pay online! Image and others accessories according to your preferences* (this is only a forecast more information will be given to you shortly). And that will be all for me. I hope to see you again soon because the story has only just begun....