
Arrival In Lodz


Arrival In Lodz

Hi Everyone,

I'm writing today to explain you how i am going to Lodz. First i'm not going there alone, i will get there with Romain J. We are going to arrive on February 21 in Warsaw. We have visited the Museum for Culture and Science the 22 morning, we wanted to visit the Royal Castle but there was President Biden and President Zelensky at Warsaw for the Ukrainien War, so most of museum ar closed. But we visited a lot of Church and there were all beautiful for me. But we enjoy the trip, with the typical food from Poland like Pierogi, or Bigos. We are actually in the train to Lodz. We will meet our Mentor, mine is very helpful 'cause she call the dormitory and give me lot of information 'cause the contract is only in Polish.

The will help us to understand the contract. Then we will sit up in our rooms and visit the dorm. We will go after at a shop taking some food for breakfast. And our mentor will show us the School building.

See you soon for the next part of the Erasmus