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My experience as an Erasmus student (Part.2)

Last time, I was talking to you about my lifestyle as an Erasmus student and telling you how I leave, in this article, I will tell you my feelings about Polish people, at school and in general.


My experience as an Erasmus student

When I entered the Group ESAIP engineering school, I knew that we need to go study abroad twice if we wanted to get the degree. Now, it’s been 3 years since I integrated my school, and this is my first Erasmus semester. I will go back home in a month so; I think I have enough experience to tell you what I think and how I feel about it.


Family trip

My family decided to visit me during the April holidays, we visited and spent time together in Warsaw and Krakow in one week. I will tell you what we did to give you ideas if you want to go to Poland with your family or friends.


A weekend in Krakow

At my university, we have an organization called ESN-EYE who have been created to propose activities for Erasmus students and take cares about their integration. Thanks to them, they proposed a trip in Krakow, the old capital of Poland, where I participated.


A weekend in Warsaw

My friend Eloi and I should stop in Warsaw before arriving in Łódź because of our flight, who did not reach Łódź directly. So, we have booked an Airbnb flat for 2 people in the center of the Polish capital for 2 nights to visit before coming to Łódź.


Manufaktura's History

What is Manufaktura ?
Manufaktura is a shopping, services and entertainment centre, who opened on 17 May 2006 in the centre of the city of Łódź. It is located between Zachodnia, Ogrodowa, Drewnowska and Jana Karskiego streets on the site of the old Izrael Poznański factory complex.