
Musculation's Programm


Musculation's Programm

Hello everyone,

In the continuity of my previous article, I will now talk to you about how to create a bodybuilding program consistent with your expectations, and the time you are willing to devote.
This subject came to me because lot of people with whom I am in Erasmus, regardless of the origin of the bases, ask me for advice on how to correctly choose the exercises to perform in the weight room.
So, I am going to do 3 examples: a first for beginners who want to build muscle, a second for people who want to lose weight, and a third for confirmed beginners who can't progress.

For beginners: - You will have to devote 3 times 1h30 to it in the week to progress, I advise you to do a program in PPL: Push, Pull, Legs.
During the Push session: do bench press with dumbbells, then "forehead bar" extensions for the triceps, you follow up with Butterfly on the machine, then you will do lateral elevations with dumbbells while sitting on a bench for more for stability and to complete the incline dumbbell press.
During the Pull session: this session will start with vertical pulling with a supine grip, then with horizontal pulling in tight grip, you will then do the biceps with the assisted machine, and you will end with face-pull with the rope for the back of the shoulders.
During the Legs session: you will start with leg extension, then leg curl, you will do hack-squat if you have a machine for it in your gym, otherwise you will do horizontal press, then you will do the adductors on both machines concerned.

You will do for all these exercises: 1 series of heating then 3 series of work with a weight which allows you to be in difficulty at the end of the last repetition, with 1min15s of rest between each series and 5min of rest between 2 exercises.

For people wishing to lose weight:
We will resume the same program as mentioned above but removing a series of work from each exercise and adding 10 minutes of running at the end of each session.

For confirmed beginners who feel like they are no longer progressing:
- You need to start learning a little more about the different muscles and how they come into play in the exercises so that you can make changes in technique or change certain exercises to bring new difficulty to the muscles.

Thanks for reading and see you next time.