
Trip in Gdansk


Trip in Gdansk

Hey everyone,

I recently went on a trip to Gdansk, Poland and let me tell you, it was amazing!
Gdansk is a beautiful city situated on the Baltic coast and is known for its rich history, stunning architecture, and delicious food.

One of the highlights of my trip was visiting the Old Town. The Old Town is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and is home to some of the most beautiful buildings and streets I have ever seen. The colorful facades of the buildings are truly a sight to behold and I found myself taking countless pictures just to capture the beauty of it all.
br> Another must-see attraction in Gdansk is the St. Mary's Church. This church is one of the largest brick churches in the world and is simply breathtaking. The interior is just as stunning as the exterior and I highly recommend taking a tour to learn more about its history.

If you're a foodie like me, then you'll love the local cuisine in Gdansk. One of my favorite dishes was pierogi, which are traditional Polish dumplings filled with various ingredients such as potato and cheese or meat and cabbage. I also tried some local fish dishes which were absolutely delicious.

When it comes to nightlife, Gdansk has plenty to offer. There are numerous bars and clubs in the city center that stay open until the early hours of the morning. One of my favorite places was a bar called Piwnica Rajców, which has a cozy atmosphere and serves a wide variety of beers and cocktails.

Overall, I had an amazing time in Gdansk and would highly recommend it to anyone looking for a beautiful and historic city with plenty to see and do. If you're planning a trip to Poland, make sure to add Gdansk to your itinerary!